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We have participated in the PortMate project between 2016-2019.

We invite you to follow the project and the results at: https://www.portmate.eu/

Hellsö Guest harbour in Västra Sundet, the most picturesque bay


Just below the restaurant is our marina with place for more than 50 boats. Hellsö Guest Harbour is located in the northwestern part of Kökar and is naturally protected from the winds, except the northwestern wind.

Latitude: 59 ° 57.0 '
Longitude: 20 ° 55.3 '
Chart Number: 741
Chart series: C – Åland
Port number: 1135

The marina has electricity (please note that the grid is only designed for battery charging) and water of good quality from Kökar’s local water source Oppsjön.
Wireless internet access in cooperation with Ålcom. In addition, the port charges include also toilet and waste disposal. At the marina office and grocery store, you can rent bicycles,  boats and kayaks, buy fuel or rent the sauna located a few meters from the sea!

If you wish, you can play a round of mini-golf or go for a drink at the restaurant terrace a top of the cliff and from there admire the wide view over Kökar’s archipelago.

In our marina you can look into the shop that is filled with glass, china and other curios. Nearby you can also visit the Kökar museum, filled with fishing and everyday items, old motor boat engines and with over 300 photos that describe life on Kökar until the Second World War.

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Marina guide



Kökar Havspaviljong Ab, Västra sundet, 22730 KÖKAR | +358 (0)457 5555 800  | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.ax
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